Make Every Word Count

“I love that I was able to do most of what I wanted to do in my life.  Sure I had some struggles and it wasn’t easy but I also knew that I could make a difference by being me.”

This was a statement that one of my 94-year-old clients told me not that long ago.  We were talking about her life and the stories she most cherished.  I was so enthralled by what she was sharing with me that I wanted so much to hear more.

Your Life is Your Story

Our lives truly are but a series of short stories webbed together through time.  They talk about the struggles and the successes that we had all while learning, sharing and making a mark while we are here.

Today, as you look at your life, ask yourself what short story you are your writing in the novel of your life?  What impact will you have with the words that you write with your actions, your presence and what you do?

Thank you to my clients who remind me that life is so short and that the story of our life really does matter, if we take it into our own hands, grab the pen and write it.


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