When It’s Time to Say Yes to You

At what point do you stop tolerating the way things are and take action to change and move towards something that you truly want?

Do you wait for a crisis?

Do you wait for someone to give you permission?

Or do you listen to your inner voice and decide – decide that now is the time and you are going to go for it.

Donna Rice, franchise owner of Bricks 4 Kids, a hands-on, educational experience designed to teach the fundamentals of S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, created by engineers and architects, for children of all ages, joined me on the Living Fully Show to share her story about how she left her corporate executive position to start her first company. What she experienced was not easy but she does not look back with regret. In fact, she is extremely proud of her success and wants to share her story to inspire others like you, or someone that you know, to follow your heart and your intuition, to create a business and a life that you know you are destined to live.

Here is what she would like you to know:

  1. If you have a nagging feeling it’s time to change, do something new, or take action on something that you have been feeling called to do, do it.  Don’t wait. According to Donna, when she listened to her inner voice and took action, she reminded herself: “I’ve done things. I’ve done them well. I have overcome certain challenges and there’s no reason that I can’t continue to do more and do better, and live the life that I want to live exactly the way I want to live it.” 
  2. Compare yourself only for inspiration: “I spent a lot of my life comparing myself to other people, and sometimes that helped to motivate me, there’s no question. It was very positive and very inspiring. I then had to take stock of all of the things that I had done well, and all that I had accomplished, and combined they were quite inspiring.”
  3. Learn to say no. Donna says, “There were definitely times when I wanted to say yes but I had to graciously and very respectively say no. That was hard at first because I’m the type of person who wants to help, and absolutely believes I can help everybody. I had to become very interested in what I wanted so that I could say no to the rest.”


Resources suggested by Donna:

Curious” by Ian Leslie

“Tools of Titans” by Tim Ferris

“Family Board Meetings” by Jim Sheils

“The Five Minute Journal”

“The Leader That Had No Title” by Robin Sharma

Gary Vaynerchuk


Watch/Listen/Download the Living Fully Show interview


Feature image by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

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