Are We Going to Our Favourite Place?

They jump into the back of the SUV, happily anticipating the drive to wherever we are going.  They often don’t really care where it is we drive as long as they get out of the house, unleashed and ready to go.

And then, the familiar turn in the road.  I see, in my rearview mirror, two pointed-ear heads pop up out of their crates.  They look at each other and begin to look around.  I smile.

Somehow they know where we are going and I can see their excitement.

Their eyes are bigger.  They begin to dance around in their comfy crates.  I also begin to hear the slight sound of a whimper.

I imagine what they are thinking.

“Mia”, says Jayda.  “Do you think we are going where I think we are going?”, as she dances around in her crate, looking out the side window, the back and the side window again.

“I think we are”, says Mia excitedly.

“Oh, gosh.  I hope we are! I love going there!  It’s so much fun.  We’re free and we get to meet others too!”

“I know!  I love it there too! Oh, I hope that is where we are going!”, Mia says with increasing anticipation.

As I make my way around the last corner onto the street where “The Crater” is located, I see that they know that we are going to one of their favourite places.  The Crater is an off-leash dog park, shaped like a big bowl.  In the middle, is an open space for dogs to run, play, fetch balls & frisbees.  Around the perimeter, fifty feet above centre, is a walking path for us humans and dogs alike.  It is one of their favourite places, and mine too.

As I pull up to park, Jayda begins to whimper more intensely.  She wants out.

I turn off the ignition, take my keys and head to the back of my SUV.  I know that the moment the door opens, they are gone, running freely, happily, in that open space.

The door of the SUV slowly opens, and they bolt out, jumping onto the snow (it’s an early winter) and they run.  As I close the SUV hatch door, I see them running, playing, like children who have been closed in for far too long.  It’s play time!  It’s fun time!  It’s their time.

I share this story because my inbox and my social media feeds are full of articles, invitations for webinars and classes to goal set and plan for 2014.  Heck, I have “Your Best Year Yet! Expert You!” telesummit running right now.  This one is all about adding speaking, writing, products and books using your rich personal stories to grow your business, expand your reach and have a greater impact.  So, I’m no saint in all of this.

What I do know though is that goal setting and planning for the year ahead can be extremely overwhelming, even though it comes with much anticipation and excitement.

Just like Mia & Jayda are for their trip to The Crater, knowing where we are going and what is to come, to feel free, excited, full of joy and curious is what I’d like for us all.

As you begin to put the finishing touches to what you want your 2014 year (and beyond) to look like, remember the following top five key things:

1.  Know what is truly important to you, your customers & clients, your staff & teams.

2.  Let go and say “no” to what doesn’t align with what is most important.

3.  Take massive action using what is most important and what matters most. Say “no” to things that pull you away from your goals & dreams and and say “yes” by staying focused on the plan and what will get you closer to what you truly want and what is most important.

4.  Stay aligned to your priorities, what you truly want in your business and in your life.

5.  Live fully! Play full out! Run with enthusiasm, joy and excitement.  

I’m sure Jayda and Mia are wondering when their next trip to The Crater will be.  They know when we are on that path – and they love the anticipation of it all.

Where is your Crater? Where are you going?

Get clear.  Create your plan.  And go!