Breakaway to Your Success

Do you know Kelly Clarkson’s hit song “Breakaway”?  You may remember the closing verses of the chorus :

Make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway

Oh how I love that! But it certainly isn’t easy to do, is it?

Make a wish.
Take a chance.
Make a change.
And breakaway.

First you make the wish – you must know what you truly want, the outcome you want to gain, the dream you want to experience.

Then you take a chance – you take action, a baby step forward and do something to make that dream, that wish, that vision come true.

From there you make a change – by action, comes change and when we take small steps or big giant leaps, change happens.

And then you breakaway – from the old, from the past, from what is keeping you stuck to a new way of living, feeling, and experiencing life.

Powerful stuff, right?!

But how often do we get stuck and stop at the first step. We have a dream, a desire or a vision of something we want. We know what the first step is but instead of taking it, we get stuck in our head and stop.

“What will people think?”
“Who do I think I am to do this?”
“I will look like an idiot.”
“I’m not good enough.”

And the list goes on.

I recently had that same experience. I had a vision, a wish. I knew what I had to do but boy was it intimidating.

When I was inspired to create the Summer of Organizing video series, which begins on Monday, July 14th (if you have not already registered, you still can by clicking here), I had no idea how challenging it would be for me to put myself “out there” like that.

The inspiration came when I felt a deep desire to help people take small steps this summer to have big results that they would love by decluttering and organizing different spaces in their home. And since I had to declutter and organize spaces that are some of the most common areas of clutter and a source of overwhelm and frustration, I thought, “Why not film myself going through the sorting, downsizing and organizing process? That would work!”

Little did I realize how vulnerable that would make me feel. Opening my doors to the public into my bedroom closet, basement storage area, kitchen cupboards and garage was not something I ever thought I’d do.  And, who the heck does that???

My clients do not want cameras filming their clutter. So what was I doing?

“What was I thinking??”
“Who am I to do this?”
“I’m going to look like a fool. I’ll be judged by my stuff.”

All my negative self-talk surfaced at a fierce pace. But I knew I had to continue and take the first step, then the next, and then another.

Now that the spaces are all done, the videos have been edited and they are ready to launch next week, I’m feeling ok about it. I can’t say I’m proud of this project yet but I know it’s good enough to get people started and working on their spaces. And ultimately, that is the wish, the goal, the vision that I had.

Let Kelly’s song be your anthem this week:

Make a wish (vision)
Take a chance (take action)
Make a change (see results)
And breakaway (move forward)

I’d love to hear your how this inspired you and what you will do to breakaway this week. Please share and know that I’m in your corner.