Melanie Moore

Melanie Moore does not let herself be defined by the circumstances and experiences she has had to go t through. Yes, she’s a single mother, and had to go through the challenges of going through a separation and divorce, while raising her sons, but she does not let these experiences define the amazing woman that she is and how she chooses to show up in the world. She is caring, thoughtful and is there to help others move through their own challenges. She donates her time and works hard to serve others in a capacity that fulfils her and makes a difference to others. She is this week’s Woman of the Week.

Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a country girl temporarily planted in the city, a single Mom of two boys, who this year will turn 24 (Chris) and 6 (Connor), and have my youngest at home full-time. I enjoy volunteering and giving back to the community, sitting on two event committees with Beckwith Township (I grew up in Carleton Place), and solely organize an annual Christmas craft show there.

I love animals in general, nature, and being near water. I especially LOVE HORSES and am very passionate about them, having had two growing up living on a hobby farm and taking riding lessons as a teen. I spend time volunteering with and around them, and it’s truly my happy place bringing me so much joy. My plan (think dream, however I’m trading the word for plan because too often we don’t realize our dreams) is to take my Cranio Sacral training focusing on the equine program, to work with horses through this alternative healing modality. I feel this will also be an expansion on the Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) I’ve been certified in over the last year (Level I, Level II, and for pets). I feel drawn to help the horses, for all they’ve done for me and so many other people with things like anxiety, autism, PTSD, and more, through various programs. This will be me living my passion and being my true authentic self.

I have a day job in finance, as the accounting and payroll department at a kitchen/bathroom place. I’m the owner of Bright Future Developments – BFD Inc. as a part-time promotional products distributor. I had an opportunity to take over the business 3 years ago after the previous owner was diagnosed with cancer, and worked for him for 8 years before this.

Who inspires you in your life? Who do you look up to? And why?

There’s not one person in particular who inspires me. I’m inspired by those around me who jump through life’s challenges and come out the other side in once piece, often times happier, stronger, and further accomplished. Some of them have these challenges on a daily basis. I often feel like I have a hard life, yet I remind myself how so many others have even more going on than I do.

My family and friends are very important to me, I’m grateful to be able to spend time with them even with the busy lives we lead, and cherish them all. It’s a support network that goes both ways. Some of these friends I’ve had for a long time, others are more recently grown professional contacts into friendships from working together and networking.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome in your life? What did you do to move through them? What did you learn? What do you wish to share with others?

I would say my biggest challenges have been taking over the business (I watched both the owner and his wife being ill and passing away from cancer during the process and within 6 months of each other), having to move to the city which I’ve had to adapt to, and going through my separation and divorce. I struggled through all of these times, finding help where and when I needed, drawing strength from others, maintaining a positive attitude as much as possible.

I went back to church, found a non-denominational community church, and now have a family there too. This helped me from going through getting a daytime job, through my divorce and time in court, to Connor being in a great school and in an amazing affordable childcare program at the same school. I’m grateful for my church family and the ways God continues to work in my life, it changed my story for the better.

I learned that sometimes what we want isn’t what we need, and that we need to live for ourselves and be there to support each other, not compare ourselves to someone or something we’re not and to not compete with each other. Success isn’t about having money or stuff, it’s about you feeling accomplished for you, it’s experiences and memories, family, friends, sharing, caring, love and happiness.

What are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of my kids who I love very much, and the accomplishments I’ve made as a single Mom. It’s a lot of work, yet I continue to grow and strive to move forward each and every day.
I’m very proud of my eldest who I raised as a single Mom as well, although his Father was involved some of the time. This boy Chris is well established in life, living happily with his girlfriend, and working full-time in the construction industry running heavy equipment.
I’m proud of my separation and divorce, I know that sounds weird. I put my foot down and took a stand for my feelings and beliefs, knowing full well what was right and wrong, and what I would or would not put up with for the rest of my life.

What do you want your older self to know?

In short, I want my older self to know I made it! I went through a lot of strife along the way – here I am! It’s okay to take baby steps, in the beginning, middle, and end.

Favourite quote.

One of the biggest things I’ve had to work through, especially the last few years is fear. A few phrases that really speak to me right now are “God replaces things we can’t carry with those we can”, “Don’t let fear drive your decisions”, and “Dream big, soar, crash into things, make an impact”. I acknowledge these aren’t my own phrases and don’t have the authors of them.

In closing, I want to thank Rose Carty Armstrong, from the bottom of my heart, for nominating me as Woman of the Week. She’s a wonderful friend, an awesomely inspiring woman herself, and we worked together with Music for Life through my volunteer role with her.

I would like to thank Pierrette for making this opportunity possible and for all she does in helping others and maintaining our Women Living Fully group – you’re amazing!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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