Say Yes to Your Dream

A writing retreat. In the mountains. In early May.

As I read the details, I felt myself start to weigh the pros and cons. My dream to write my next book, my 5th book, had been nagging at me for a few months.

I had been feeling the urge to write my next book since August of last year.  It was a beautiful afternoon. I sat on the back deck, overlooking the Maples and the Birch trees that grace our property. The sun was shining and the breeze was perfectly warm and comfortable. As I sat there, iPad perfectly nestled on my lap, I just felt the urge to write and speak to those who had an inner knowing, an inner calling, to help others through a vision and mission that kept getting louder and harder to ignore.

Gosh, I had been there so many times. If only I had a visionary coach who could have guided me through my early visions and missions, how much easier, and yes, profitable, it would have been? Knowing how much the role of my business coaches have played in my many visions and missions, confirmed for me that it is now my turn to step into this important and humbling role. My heart has been calling me to help visionaries and business owners like you take your dream and give it the framework and the blueprint you need to live it fully.

Within a few hours, I had written the outline of my book, and wrote the draft for the first four chapters. The words just flowed effortlessly and after I had finished writing, I looked back on the few hours as an out-of-body experience. I did not feel time pass, nor did I feel any pressure either. The words just flowed. It was such an affirming experience…I surrendered without judgement. It all felt so right.

After that day, I parked my book idea but kept unpacking the framework. I kept asking myself how I could help visionaries and business owners like you offer the guidance that will help you to make your big dreams come true, not for the money of it all, although that is an absolute must in any vision and mission, but because you feel your heart pull you forward to make a difference and impact the lives you are feeling called to serve.

And in January, things shifted. My own inner calling to work with visionaries and business owners got so strong that I could no longer ignore it. I had to trust it.

So when the writing retreat showed up as an opportunity, it just felt so right to say yes to it, and I’m so glad I did. As I write this, the retreat is now over and I’m preparing to head home. To say that trusting my intuition to be here was a good decision would be an understatement. It was an incredible experience in a beautiful location with so many special and powerful moments. (As a side note, the feature photo for this blog post was taken on the last evening, as I sat in gratitude for the entire experience. I just love the beauty of the mountains in the distance as it reminds me to keep moving towards the future.)

Not only was I getting away to unplug and be in a beautiful setting to write, such a memorable part of the experience was meeting other fellow authors, all of them first-time authors, which was so special. I loved getting to know them, feeling their excitement and becoming one united group, embracing our different levels of book writing experience, and most importantly, honouring our individual stories.

And to add to the weekend, having a special experience with deer on my morning run on the first and last day at the retreat was such an incredible and affirming bonus. I found myself overwhelmed and in complete gratitude. (Here’s the link to the Facebook Live I recorded while I encountered the deer on the last morning of my stay.) It was all so incredible.

What about you? Is there an opportunity that you are considering that may be a good fit for you to step into that would help you move your vision and mission forward? What would you need to say yes to it?

If you are on the fence, here are some things that I suggest as you evaluate the opportunity that you are considering:

1. What about the opportunity is piquing your interest? Is it the people who will be there with whom you can network and connect? Is it the learning you are looking forward to that you may not get anywhere else or at this specific time? Is it the growth that it will provide you, personally, professionally or both? Is it the outcome they are promising that you are wanting and maybe, even dreaming about? Or is it all of the above?

2. Can you afford to invest in it? Do you have the funds, the time and the energy to invest in it? Can you make the time to dedicate to it? Can your family, your team, your clients work around, or be included, as you participate and take advantage of this opportunity?

3. Will you regret not investing in this opportunity? As you evaluate what is being offered, will you regret not tapping into the knowledge, the experience, and the opportunity? 

4. What external support will you need to say yes to the opportunity? Will you need an admin, a team member, someone to help you as you step away from your business and your life to take on your responsibilities? If so, who?

5. How will this opportunity help you accomplish your short and/or long-term goals? Think six months to a year from now. As you look at this opportunity, how will it help you move your vision and mission forward with clear and measurable outcomes?

6. Do you believe in yourself enough to say yes to the opportunity? That may be the toughest question to answer. Self-doubt and the inner critic may be the one thing that is holding you back. If you were to set that self-doubt aside, does this opportunity feel like the right one for you? If it is, say yes to the opportunity, or at least consider it fully, and begin to say yes to you and the belief in yourself. I promise you that as you do, you will benefit from the experience.

As you answer these questions and assess if this opportunity is what you are looking for to move your vision and mission forward, remember that you get to decide. You get to say yes to what fits your vision and mission, and say no to what does not.

The writing retreat fit all of my priorities. All of the questions I invited you to answer above, I could answer clearly and with a measurable outcome. By doing so, I set myself up for a positive experience, and with a book that is far beyond the initial stages of being written. Which in essence, was, is, saying yes to my dream.

As you explore an opportunity that you are considering to grow, expand, and live your vision and mission fully, trust in yourself. And trust in the logic that supports your decision too. And say yes to your dream. The world needs you!

Photo: Taken on my last evening at the Kananaskis Mountain Lodge Alberta

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