The Movie of Your Life

Imagine sitting down at the theatre, popcorn in hand, and the movie trailer that is playing is that of your life.

What do you see? What is happening? Are you fully engaged and excited by what is to come?

In this audio, you & I go on a journey of exploring, envisioning and then writing the movie of your life – the life that you are yet to live!

It can be all that you have ever wanted it to be! This is your movie!!

If you are ready, ready to go down an amazing journey of experiencing the movie of your life ahead of you, grab a paper & pen, sit back and relax, and let’s go!

We are in for a great experience – writing the movie of the rest of your life!

Thank you to Philip Wesley for the beautiful music that accompanies this audio. The song playing in the background is called “Light & Shadow”.  You can get a taste of his music on his website at and you can also purchase his entire music library through his iTunes channel. He is one of my favorite pianists and I promote his music all of the time. Very soothing, beautiful and a part of my every day journey. I hope you will make it part of yours too.  Thank you Philip!

Let’s start!