When Ordinary Is Extraordinary

Brene Brown has become my new BFF. She may not know it yet, nor does she even know that I exist, but she and I are besties.

I have been immersing myself in her work. My most recent fixation is with her audio program “The Power of Vulnerability” (available through Amazon,  iTunes and Audible.com).

Dr. Brene Brown has done a lot of work with people who are grieving. She has established herself as a renowned expert in the field of shame and vulnerability and her work with the grieving is profound.

In “The Power of Vulnerability” she recounts her experiences with those that have suffered profound loss and what they miss the most about their loved ones who have died is not the extraordinary things but the ordinary moments.

The kids fighting in the backyard.
The husband sleeping next to the wife.
Quiet moments walking and talking with a friend.

As I listened to her, and recounted my bereavement studies, it hit me like a sudden gust of wind on a calm and peaceful day. I stopped and just thought for a moment how profound that was.

We often get so caught up in the every day ‘stuff’ that we have to do, rushing from one thing to the next, crossing things off our to do’s like a shopping list, running around exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed.

When all the time, the ordinary things that make life so rich are passing us by.

An intimate conversaton with our child about their struggles with friends.
A passionate kiss with our partner.
Healthy dinners with family at the table.

Just the little every day things that are presented to us that we don’t stop to acknowledge and enjoy.

Let’s stop this insane way of living and eliminate the chaos in our lives.
Let’s stop rushing like maniacs to get to the next place and just enjoy where we are now with the people we love the most.
Let’s appreciate, acknowledge and embrace all that we have, without wanting to strive for more.

Time goes by way too quickly and our most precious people can be gone in an instant.

Be present in your life.
Enjoy the ordinary moments.
For they are the ones you will long to have again.

Leave your comments and reach out to me if you need support. I’m here to help.