When Priorities Change

Often we find ourselves facing changes in our lives that uproot what we thought was the right direction for us to take. We find ourselves looking at our lives and having to make decisions that will impact the course of our lives and/or the outcome we thought we wanted.

This week, I’d like to share a personal story about a decision I had to make just recently that took me down a path of self-doubt and inner struggle – until I was honest with myself and made the pivotal realization that my priorities had changed.

It was such an exciting time. So many great things were happening. I was growing personally and professionally and I couldn’t imagine what my life would have been like without this opportunity. I was grateful and humbled by it all.

That was last year. This year, it’s a different story.

So much has changed through the year that this year, the same opportunity didn’t mean the same. I grappled with the tug-of-war that was happening inside.

« Am I failing? »
« Am I quitting? »
« What is going on? »

I wrestled with trying to figure out why the same opportunity that I absolutely loved last year didn’t mean the same to me this year.

Not only did I struggle with the inner voices, I felt shame and sadness by what I thought others would be saying about my participation in this year’s opportunity.

But something had changed. Something dramatically changed.

When I finally realized it, it all made sense.

My priorities changed.

What that opportunity meant for me last year was freedom, growth, discovery, excitement, status, and success.

This year, the same opportunity did not hold the same weight. Other things, other more important things, meant freedom, growth, discovery, excitement, status and success.

They also were more important and mattered most.

I share this story so that when you face a big decision, one that not only impacts you but impacts others, ask yourself these fundamental questions :

1. What is most important?
2. Does it bring you closer or move you away from your ultimate goals?
3. Are you being honest with yourself?

The third is the most important question to ask.

Are you making the decision based on fear, doubt, or worry?

Or are you making the decision based on truth, integrity and respect?

Ask yourself this question too – will you have regret after you make your decision?

Making a decision that has an impact on the course of your life and/or the outcome you thought you wanted is never easy. Being honest and facing the truth about what you truly want and need is where you will find the answer.

Let me know what you think.  Have you had to make an important decision recently or in the past that had you in a similar situation? What was the outcome?