For the past two years, I’ve been feeling a pull to do something that scares the heck out of me and because of that, I have been feeling stuck.
I’m stuck because I’m overwhelmed by not knowing how or where to start.
I’m stuck because I’m afraid of how much it will cost me in time, money and resources.
I’m stuck because I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do, even though deep down, inside, there is something absolutely right about it all.
As I look at it all and what I just wrote above, this is what you may be feeling too if you are facing a new decision, a new path and you know that deep down inside, it may be time for you to take action on it.
You may also be feeling this way if you are looking to downsize from your current home to a smaller one.
Or you may be feeling this way if your parents are at a stage of life that requires more care, more of your time and more of a little of everything.
Rest assured that what you are feeling is normal. Any time we face something new, something unsure, or something that we haven’t experienced before, there is doubt, fear and a little (or a lot of) unease.
Yes, I’m feeling that too.
So here is what I’m offering, and will be taking, as advice as a strategy moving forward:
1. Question the doubt and fear: Where is it coming from? Is it based on a pain you experienced in the past? Is it an unfounded fear about the future that you have that is keeping you stuck? Ask yourself what would happen if you took just one step to move you forward. What will that look like?
2. Take one step to move forward: Taking action is the only way to move yourself forward. Thinking about it and worrying about what could happen will only prevent you from getting any closer to what you feel inside is the right thing to do. Instead, take one step, no matter how small, and move forward.
3. Start where it’s easiest: We often feel like we have to have all the answers, the full plan and the entire thing figured out before we start. Instead, like in a downsize or an organizing project, start where it’s easiest. Start by doing something you know you can do to move yourself forward and then take another step, where it’s easiest. Before you know it, you’ll be telling yourself that it really wasn’t’ that difficult and you’ll be so proud that you took action.
4. Know that you will be ok: Often our fear and doubt keep us stuck because we’re afraid of the outcome. It’s an imagined outcome that we replay in our minds and then feel in our bodies. Instead, tell yourself you will be ok, that all will be ok, and you will begin to relax and feel better about the outcome.
5. Feel the fear and do it anyway: You’ve heard it before and you’ve probably experienced it before. Remember a time when you felt the fear, did it anyway and on the other side of it, felt elated and happy you did it. The best advice my clients, especially my seniors, give me is do not let fear keep you from what you really want in your life. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Ok. So there you have it. Sounds simple right? Yup! So, are you ready to get started with me? I know that it’s time to take action, take a baby step and move forward.
I’d love to hear what you are facing and what you will do to move forward. Contact me and let me know.
I believe that you can do it!!
Remember at any time, if you need help when it comes to downsizing, decluttering, getting organized or moving, contact my team and I at Moving Forward Matters.
If you need help having the items you no longer need, use or want brought to local charity, the recyclers or the waste site, contact my team & I at 1-800-GOT-JUNK?.
Remember, you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to help!
Happy moving forward time!