Protective Equipment Must-Haves for an Organizing, Decluttering or Downsizing Project

Are you ready to declutter and let go of the stuff that you don’t need anymore? You may also be starting a downsizing project with a loved one, planning a move, or organizing your own home or office. Before you take out the boxes and start sifting through items that have been stored for months or even years, here are the must-haves in protective equipment that I highly recommend before you start your project.

Watch the video:

Masks: With dust and allergens, including mold, lurking on and around items that have been stored for a long time, ensure that you protect your lungs and respiratory system by wearing a mask. I made the mistake of not wearing them when my business was still young and I now suffer from sensitivities to dust, mold and other allergens.

Gloves: Protect your skin and wear gloves. There are many varieties, as you can see in the video, so choose ones that feel comfortable for you and provide you with the protection you need.

Safety glasses: Depending on what you are working on, you may want to wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.

Coveralls: When dealing with areas that have a lot of mold, dust and other allergens, protect your clothing by wearing coveralls. There are a variety of them to consider, especially if you are dealing with items that can spill or stain your clothing.

Shoe covers: Keep your shoes clean by wearing shoe covers. They come in multiple sizes and work great to ensure you do not track dirt, mold and other allergens into other areas of your home.

Be sure to download your complimentary 3-part video series called “Eliminate the Chaos”.  You’ll receive three videos with more tips, strategies and suggestions that will help you to simplify your life, let go of what you no longer need, use or want and help you to move forward with more time, money, energy and space for the things and people that matter most.

If you are planning a downsize or a move, I recommend the “Art of Downsizing: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Smooth Home Transition” which provides plenty of information on how and where to start, the pitfalls to avoid and the step-by-step things you can do to start downsizing and planning your move. It also provides worksheets and templates to help you create your own, customized plan.

Need help? Contact me. My teams and I are here to help you through your organizing and downsizing project.

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