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Ashley Cyr

I am a young entrepreneur. I own and operate Private Eye Investigations, a private investigation agency located in Ottawa, Ontario. I am young, ambitious, determined and very passionate. Just like most business owners, I seem very confident and strong on the exterior, however inside there’s always a part of me that needs reassurance, or crumbling.

Who inspires you in your life and why?

My mother inspires me the most. She is a very strong woman. There’s nothing in this world that can be thrown at her that she won’t overcome. She’s shown me how to find the strength within myself to overcome the judgement, the condescending words, and the ignorance that comes with being a woman in a very male-dominated industry.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome in your life?

Simply put… Loss.
Losing loved ones, friends and family is never easy. Heart break hurts. However, my biggest challenge was losing myself to mental illness.

What did you do to move through them? What did you learn?

It’s a process. It’s a daily struggle. I have yet to overcome all of it, and maybe I never will. However, I’ve learned a lot about me, my mind, my body and my strength. I’ve learned what my triggers are. I’ve learned how to step back, relax and breath through stress. I’ve learned that giving up is not the answer.

What are you most proud of?

I am proud of myself, the strength I managed to find within. The perseverance I have shown. Being able to take major risks in my career in order to find success as a business owner. I am most proud of me.

What do you want younger women to know?

Never let your age define your abilities. Never let your years of life on this planet to define the experience and knowledge you have within.

What does living fully mean to you?

Living happy. If you feel fulfilled every day when you go to bed, and wake up every morning excited for the new day to begin that is living fully. Regardless if you’re a stay-at-home mom or a CEO of a billion dollar franchise, whether you’ve traveled the world or never left your own city, living fully is within you.