Getting It Right When Challenges Arise as a COO

At the COO Alliance in Phoenix, Arizona, I was impressed by the CEOs and COOs who were there to grow their companies and themselves. Connecting with them confirmed a few things, especially the main thing – we’re all working to get it right, especially when challenges arise.

COOs and 2nd in Commands are the ones that work in the trenches and behind the scenes running the day-to-day operations of their companies, managing people, finances and customers. They are the ones who work every day to make the magic happen for their businesses.

Having the CEOs at the event meant they could share their different perspectives with each other which was insightful, and share with the entire group which revealed more commonalities than differences. It was extremely powerful to see how they often differed in their perceptions about what was going on, while they had many things aligned and in common with each other as well.

Everyone in that room was working to get it right – for each other, their teams, their customers, and their communities.

As professionals, we seek connections with those who are like us, who understand us, who know what we face in our daily challenges as we grow our businesses. We feel empowered when someone shares something that can help us, our teams or improve our operations. And that is what peer-to-peer sharing and masterminding is all about. Growth. Connection. Community.

Remember these three things when you are seeking to get it right in the face of a challenge:

  1. We’re all doing our best with what we know, understand and have experienced.
  2. Your perception may or will be different from others. It’s ok to see things differently as it will bring awareness to opportunities that you may not see on your own.
  3. Supporting each other with understanding and openness will bridge the gap between what you see and they see as different. Work as a team to come together for the benefit of the business, the team and everyone involved.

If you are a Chief Operating Officer, Director of Operations, Executive Director and 2nd in Command, seek opportunities to help you connect with those who understand what you face day in and day out, and in turn will help you improve your operations, build an incredible company culture and grow your business.

Remember – you’re not alone. We’re all working to get it right.

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