Simplify For More

By Pierrette Raymond

It sounds like an oxymoron doesn’t it? When we hear “simplify for more” we often think that by letting go, we’ll always end up with less. However that cannot be further from the truth. When you do simplify your business and life, you allow for more – time, energy, focus, money, happiness, health, space, etc..

Simplifying means getting clear on what is really important and then letting go of what doesn’t fit within those parameters.

When I work with clients, whether they are downsizing or moving, or if they are growing a business, ultimately, the process for each is the same:

Know & Let Go

It’s important to make clear distinctions about what you truly want so you can let go of what is no longer serving you. If I ask you to look around right now, in the room you are currently in, I’m guessing you will probably find one thing that you don’t like that you are tolerating. Sure, you may find more, it’s quite probable. So if you are tolerating that one (or many) item(s), what is it costing you? Is it costing you space? Energy? Peace? Money? What if you were to let go of that item and it is no longer in your space, how would you feel? What would it open up for you?

Do the same in your business. What one thing you know you are tolerating?  Could it be a client that is just simply sucking the life out of you?  Could it be a marketing tactic that you know is not working but you’re told it should?  Whatever it is for you, identify it and let it go.


Leverage What You Love

There are things in your life and in your business that you absolutely love and are delivering results you want.  Keep those and leverage them.

For example, in your closet you must have clothes you absolutely love and wear most often.  Rather than keep the pieces you do not like or never wear, let them go and leverage what you do love by purchasing accessories or additional pieces that will accentuate what you love and use.

In your business, if there is a service you absolutely love delivering and it is delivering results, how can you use what you know and leverage it to create a product or an add-on service that will provide more to your clients but leverage what you already love and enjoy.

If  you require assistance with any of the above, reach out to me and let’s talk.  You don’t have to tolerate what you don’t want and you absolutely can leverage what you do.  I’m here to help!