The ABC’s of Donating

I recently participated in Ottawa’s first Hang Up Help Out event, a cross-city drop-off event to help local shelters and charities in the area. 1-800-GOT-JUNK? was a major sponsor as we were responsible for picking up all the donations to bring them to storage and then now, this week’s task, to bring everything to the multiple charities of choice.

What was most impactful was the outpouring of love and compassion that came through most of the donations received.

I say most. Unfortunately, there were items that were not requested that turned up at the event, which caused volunteers and organizers to have to deal with these items when they were not prepared to do so.

Thus prompting this article.

Donating feels good. Knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of others just naturally makes you feel like you’re giving back, you’re being helpful and that you are making a difference.

To ensure you are doing this in a way that has the biggest impact with who and what matters most to you, here are some guidelines that will help you with your giving heart:

A: Choose Your Cause Carefully
We all are inundated with requests to help local charities; from the cashier at the grocery store asking to contribute to the cause of the week to the door-to-door canvassers who ring your doorbell at the dinner hour, to the phone calls and mail pieces that come your way, asking for your support in what they deem to be very important causes.

What is important to note is that you can’t help everyone all the time. Choose your cause(s) carefully and contribute what you feel you can to best support them. Causes that inspire you, that make you feel like they are making a big difference in the lives of the people that you wish to support, those are the causes you engage in and support.

Don’t feel pressured to say yes to the ones that you simply do not want to support at this time or at any time. There is no guilt in being clear about what causes matters most to you.

B: Donate What They Need & Are Asking For
When charities are looking for support they are always very clear about what they specifically need. Often it is money. Other times it is non-perishable food items. Other times it could be new clothing or baby items.

Don’t assume you know what they want and need. Find out. Make a phone call and ask what they need specifically and inquire as to how they would like these items brought to them. Can they be delivered? Is there a drop-off location? Can it be mailed or e-transferred if it’s money they seek.

Be a helpful supporter and give what they specifically request.

C: Be Grateful You Are Able to Be a Provider of Support
No act goes unnoticed especially when you choose the right cause and people to support. Small donations of items or money can go a very long way in the lives of the people who need it most.

Choose your charity carefully, with the knowledge that you are helping the ones you feel you can best support, and smile knowing you’ve made a big difference in the life of someone who never expected to be the one needing the help and support.

Remember, donating can be done at any time during the year. You do not need to wait for a fundraising event or drive to support the charity or charities that matter to you. Get to know the coordinators and stay in touch through their newsletters, their websites and by phone.

The people that you support may never know your name but you will carry their story with yours.

Here is a video to showcase some of what happened at the Hang Up Help Out event on July 27, 2014 in Ottawa.

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