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Kristine Gravelle-Rystenbil

I’m a dedicated and focused person who’s lead by inpiration and joy.

My job history and experience (25+ years) working in government and private sector (in Human Resources, Administration, Communications, Desktop publishing) is broad. I have a thriving government career as an Occupational Health and Safety Program Cordinator.

Outside of work, I’m an entrepreneur.

I’m the Owner of Purpose Mastery Scientific Hand Analysis where I play the role of Spiritual Mentor and sounding board for women. I help women understand how intuition plays out in their lives and answer a lot of questions to help them make sense of it. I also have the ability to identify what someone’s Life Purpose is, and tell them whether they’re ignoring special gifts that go along with it. That way they can make choices that work best for them.

I’ve been a Direct Sales Consultant with Norwex for over 7-years and in 2015, became a best-selling author for “Ruby Red Shoes – Empowering Stories on Relationship, Purpose and Intuition.”

As a professionally trained artist, public speaker and avid journaller, I’ve recently tapped into my passion for singing and songwriting. My other joys include volunteering on the Parent Council at my kids’ school, being part of the Russell Village Women’s Institute, and attending GradUit Thrivers Mastermind meetings.

I love spending time with my darling husband and two children, and thoroughly enjoy watching inspiring movies, gardening, reading, travelling and working on projects that motivate me to grow and learn.

Who inspires you in your life and why?

I’m inspired when I get to spend time with people and discover the qualities they possess as part of who they are. I’m also inspired any time I get an opportunity to hang out ideas-oriented, grounded people who “say what they mean, and mean what they say”, not to mention meeting peeople who decided to thrive despite the challenges they faced. They are qualities that motivate me to take action and to keep shooting for the stars in my own life.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome in your life?

Second-guessing and ignoring my intuitive abilities has been the biggest challenge I’ve overcome.

What did you do to move through them? What did you learn?

I took training on how to access my Inner Wisdom, surrounded myself with like-minded people, I started writing down the Guidance I’d perceive, and take time (even if it’s one minute) to sit in stillness and listen.

Doing this has revealed to me that there’s an abyss of wisdom ready and waiting to be shared with me. This wisdom has provided me with heart-centred clarity and a feeling of inner calm (and assurance) when it comes to decision-making and identifying my next steps.

What are you most proud of?

I’m proud of a lot. More specifically, I’m very proud of my children and the people they are; I’m very blessed to be their mom and be able to guide them as they grow and mature.

What do you want younger women to know?

Learning to perceive your Inner Wise Voice is a huge game changer, sanity check and life saver. Your life will be much easier if you learn to perceive it, listen to it, trust it implicitly and take action on it.

What does living fully mean to you?

When I think of living fully, I picture a life stripped of complexity and how appreciative I am with the many blessings, connections, special moments and opportunities I’m surrounded by. It makes me happy inside and inspires me to take action.

Favourite quote?

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?” ― Robert H. Schuller