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Linda Babulic

Linda Babulic loves to live her life with ZEST. It has become her signature way of living, sharing and building community. She has had many careers which have led her down the path of authorship, coach and teacher. She is funny, loving and always willing to shine the light on others and their brilliance. Meet Linda, Women Living Fully’s Woman of the Week.

Tell us a little about yourself

I was born in Sudbury. I have an older sister and brother and a younger sister and brother. I am the “under achieving” middle child.

In June 2016, Jon and I will be celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary. We have lived in Barrie, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, back to Barrie and back to Ottawa two years ago. We have a son, Jon Greg, who lives in Guelph and raises chickens that lay coloured eggs, builds gorgeous canoes and fly-rods. He has two daughters ages 6 & 9. Our daughter, Kristina and her husband, Max, live four doors away. Their girls are ages 6 & 8.

I have a resume a mile long. I have worked in the public sector, private sector and self-employed. I worked at a library (not the quiet place you may think), I was a travel counsellor, worked on parliament hill, ran a court reporting firm, provided logistics for a Royal Commission and for the Rt. Honourable Kim Campbell, and established a volunteer program at a federal prison, to name only a few. I am the founder of Leadership Centre Canada where I provided customized corporate training. My major clients were the auto parts suppliers to Honda.

Currently I am ZEST Expert, author and host of momondays Ottawa. I get great satisfaction from knowing that I have helped someone gain a new perspective that gives them more joy, vibrancy and ZEST.

My passions and favourite activities: I love to spend time with my family and friends. I am a voracious reader, an avid gardener, I golf, fly-fish and in winter I downhill ski. Recently, I traded in the big luxury car and I like to drive around in my new ZEST orange VW beetle.

Who inspires you in your life?

My mother-in-law inspired me. She lived to 96 years. She taught me all about gardening, cooking, putting on a fancy dinner, European history and so many other things.


Who do you look up to? And why?

I look up to my big sister. She’s 11 years older than me. I was born just before her birthday. I never tire of the story that I was a very special birthday present for her. She’s always there for me.


What have been some of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome in your life?

My biggest challenge began when I was 13 years old, in grade 9 and my mother was diagnosed with cancer. The last picture we have of her was taken at my grade 12 graduation. That summer, my younger sister and I were her caregivers. At 13 and 17, we didn’t know what we were doing, but it came from a place of love. I remember one day we made her chocolate eclairs. She was so gracious, she ate them – not the best thing for someone who is bed ridden. She passed in September.

What did you learn?
My father didn’t cope very well with my mother’s death so, I learned to take care of myself, my younger sister and brother. I learned how to work the washing machine. It took me decades but I finally learned to love myself and to be my authentic self.

I learned/discovered that I love being on stage, teaching my corporate classes, facilitating workshops, working with my coaching clients by sharing greater meaning, deeper understanding and the kind of joy that comes from the heart.

What do you wish to share with others?
My book, ZEST Your Life – a Taste of Inner Wisdom is filled with what I want to share with others. The main message is contained in the first paragraphs of the introduction.

Introduction: What is ZEST?
Now is the time to take your life up a notch or two, from what it is to what it could be—which is so much more. Don’t you want to find a comforting place; one with harmony and balance? Discover more about yourself and how to explore and expand your joy, passion, and enthusiasm. That process of discovery involves creating freedom, inner power, and self-responsibility.
For a moment, let’s imagine a life filled with ZEST. You Zero-in and focus on exactly what you want in your life, what you want your life to look and feel like for your greater good. You have the enthusiasm to get out of bed and you Expect to make a difference in the world. Expect the best and it happens. When you give, you also receive. You soar to bigger dreams and successes than your mind can currently conceive. Achieve Success in the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects—you define it for yourself. As you increase your connections to your higher self and your higher calling, you Transcend & transform to a place of joy, peace, and vibrancy. You don’t just survive, you thrive. Let’s review:
Zero-in and focus.
Expect the best with enthusiasm.
Success is however you define it.
Transcend and transform.

What are you most proud of?

Going back to university as an adult with 2 children and an executive husband and finishing my degree. Publishing my book was another great accomplishment. It is being well received and became an international best seller on Amazon.

What do you want your older self to know?

My older self? How much older? My mother died at 47 but my grandmother lived to 99, my great-grandmother 107 and my great-grandfather 102. I could be here for a very long time. I want my older self to know that being ZESTY is who you are Linda – enjoy it and share it.


Favourite quote

“If you’re going through life with a machete, you’re in the jungle. Get on the path – it’s much easier.” Linda Babulic