Heather Garrod

When you meet Heather Garrod, you are brought into a space of calm, peace and joy. She is gifted and talented, and has done something many only dream of doing. She left a full-time government position to own & operate a business for which she is extremely passionate. Her focus on health and wellbeing, from a more spiritual platform, serves a need and a hunger for many to find the balance they seek at a deeper level. She is a mother, a wife and a community leader. She is this week’s Woman of the Week.

Tell us a little about yourself

“Don’t push the river. It flows by itself”
This quote by Fritz Perl has been my life’s lesson-something I am still working on, to be honest. I was born in Brooklyn Heights across from Manhattan but moved to Ottawa as a child. My heart, and family, are in both places. Until 3 years ago, I worked full time for the Federal Government and ran Planet Botanix on the side. I am often asked how I did both and raised three children with my husband. The answer is that I really don’t know myself, except that if something is truly your passion, it doesn’t feel like work. And truly, my kids are my greatest accomplishment-I love them very much. You just fit in the things that matter and let go of the things that don’t-like ironing. Or making the bed.

Who inspires you?

I find inspiration everywhere, but especially in nature. It helps me to be more meditative. And my dogs. They remind me to keep it simple and that it is easy to be happy, but we humans overthink everything. I love walking in the woods near my home. I love walking in general. I try to meditate a couple of times a day. It helps keep me in the present moment.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome in your life? What did you learn? What do you wish to share with others?

I have learned so many lessons since opening my store and studying different modalities. As a result, I have learned about the strength of gratitude, a practice I share with my family daily. Another modality which has really helped me is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), which I certified in twice, the effects were so profound for me. It helped me to get past limiting beliefs in much the same way that Theta Healing or EFT help to remove blocks in the subconscious.

I would say Planet Botanix has been one of my greatest gifts,and I continue to evolve as it does. One of my greatest challenges since the store opened was when I was audited for two years. It was not a pretty process, and I am not sure I would have gotten through it without doing a lot of work with some very talented practitioners around self worth and money.

Favourite quote

Joseph Campbell remains one of my heroes from my university days. He was my first glimpse into thinking differently. Actually, another one of my favourite quotes is from him: “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls”.

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