Are Your Priorities Aligned?

It’s reality-check time. I know, I know. No one likes hearing that but better to have a quick check-in moment than wait until something devastating happens, right?

This past week’s video focused on how reprioritizing our lives will bring us the freedom that we crave. I regularly meet individuals and families who are facing a lot of stress, overwhelm and regret because they have waited too long to adjust their priorities and what was truly important in their lives. Now that they are in a crisis, they must make decisions under duress or live the painful reality of lost time with who and what really matters.

I truly do not want that for you. I know that you do not want that for you either.

So, let’s take this week to look at where we are spending our time, our money and our focus so that we can realign our priorities regarding what is truly important and what matters most.

Step One: Reassess Your Life
Are you truly spending time, money, energy and your focus on the people and the things that truly matter in your life? Are you feeling pulled in so many directions that you are so exhausted and you don’t have the motivation nor the energy for who and what matters most to you?

Take stock. Do an inventory of where you are spending your most precious resources such as your time, your money and your energy and determine what is no longer in your best interest or that of those that matter most to you.

Step Two: Eliminate the Excess
Downsize your life by eliminating and letting go of what you know you no longer need, use or want. This could be the physical items that are in your life to the emotional baggage you have been carrying for far too long.

If you need help, you can read last week’s article “Are You Holding On For All The Wrong Reasons” and/or watch “Why Letting Go Is So Hard To Do”. Both resources provide step-by-step strategies and helpful advice that you can use to support you through the letting go process.

Step Three: Be Audacious and Courageous
It’s so easy to say ‘yes’ to everyone and everything however that is what got you where you are now. From this moment on, have the audacity to say yes to the things, the requests, the people who have your best interest at heart; say yes to those who love you and want you to be happy and healthy; say yes to the things that will bring you the greatest joy while staying true to what is truly important and what matters most. When you begin to say ‘yes’ to the right things, it is so much easier to say ‘no’ to the wrong things.

Take this week to take stock of where you are in your life; look at the physical stuff in your home, in your office and in your life. Then assess where you are spending your time, money and energy. If you find that you are not aligned with your priorities of what is truly important to you, then begin to eliminate the things that you know are time to go. Be courageous and committed to yourself and say ‘yes’ to the right things and no to the wrong ones. You’ll find life feels simpler, more peaceful and you’ll be living a life that fulfills you with who and what matters most.

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